The Junk Piles Collection

Junk piles is one of my favorite parts of this web site as there is no end or no surprise to big or small when you start digging through on like the ones I will show you on this page. I cannot begin to tell you some of the items that are not even car related that I have found in some of the piles shoved in ravines or behind buildings out on farmyards over the years. It seems so many times we think the gold is that preserved little coupe in the side lean to of a barn that was put in there in 1950. There is not a lot to say about these photos until you do your inrustigating to see what the story that has been waiting to be told tells you, so this is page is really just photos I have taken over the years of some of my favorite hunting grounds and like I say, there is truly nuggets of gold in piles of junk if you know how to mine them. Kevin Houtwed, RIP